Help & Support

The Widgets

October, 08 2016


This is a list of 30+ available widgets that can be placed on the working canvas or inside of the columns. Think of them as bricks. With those bricks you are building your layout. Most of the widgets have options to set them click config icon. To save changes, click the Save icon on the left side of the Builder.

Adding widget

in the Builder you'll have "Add element" button, which you should click or drag to the working canvas, to add a content block or row to your page. If you are adding a row element to your page pay attention that it will automatically add column element within  a row. You can later add more columns within a row and change their behavior.

Editing Widgets

To edit a widget, hover this widget on working canvas, click the Settings icon on the blue control to open the Widget Settings Dialog

Make some changes on the Dialog and view the changes on the widget canvas.

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